Thursday, November 29, 2007


finally some pics on the blog!
1. sunset!!
2. beautiful sky and tree on the walk to the river
3. hippos in the river...the five dots you see!
4. old fashioned donkey car
5. me outside the heatlh facility dining hall in nkurenkuru
6. my first batch of handwash laundry!
7. my bebe's first smile:)
8. my bebe
9. these are my favorite kids....e v e r. the one in the red dress is my bebe and i took some other pics of her above from my cell phone...i still dont know their names, i cant understand what they are saying, probably because they are 2 and speaking 2 year old rukwangali but i'll know them soon:)


Cotton said...

That little girl looks kinda like you! Look close...well maybe u guys just have the same hair do!Miss u baby Girl!! Talk to you soon!!!!!

pony said...

love you buff. your sunset picture is AMAZING. hope you are filling up that journal.