Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It’s been a while since I have written- I didn’t quite understand the lack of motivation until Sunday. I live here now. This is my home, this is my life, I no longer walk around and see my world here as a series of stories; anecdotes that I can share as an outsider tapping into this corner of the world. I find myself wanting to write in more abstract terms not as much sharing a process I’m going through but more writing for writings sake. I suppose that is the next step in my process so inevitably I’m still sharing myself in a way that is authentic and true to my experience. If you need more tangible ‘how are you doing what are you doing” stories feel free to send me an email. buffiesh@gmail.com otherwise, enjoy:) This next entry isn’t much different to my other posts but just wanted to throw this disclaimer out if seemingly ‘random’ things start popping up. Thanks for sharing this space with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats on achieving a new level of relationship with your place in the world! it's a warm, inviting sensation, isn't it?